Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Love is an open door

I don't know why people decide to put a camera on their dash board
and lip sync to songs. But I found this one enjoyable.
Warning: Song may get stuck in your head. If you've had enough 
frozen music, just leave this page now. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Fun

 I love Easter! 
It was such a fun weekend spending time with family.
My mom is awesome and had 144 plastic eggs
filled with little toys, fruit snacks and coins
for all of her grandchildren.
Travis and I got to help hide them all.

And the kids had a blast finding all of them.

Anne loved her "windmill."

Then we played with bubbles.  
Which the kids also loved.

It was such a gorgeous day!!
And I love shorts.  I'm not going back to pants until fall.

Matthew finally showed up from one of his finals at BYU
on a saturday (Who does that???)
And we were able to dye eggs.

And just for kicks and giggles, back to the bubbles,
Steven likes to eat them and these photos
are hilarious.

Happy belated Easter everyone!

Oh, one more thing.  On Sunday at Travis' dad's there was supposed
to be a peeps contest--where you make something involving peeps.
Travis and I made this awesome set up.

No one else participated, so we won by default.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

General Conference and Art Shows

Conference Weekend was fantastic!  I love General Conference.
We started it off with these Cinnabon Waffles that we saw online.
They were pretty delicious. 
Side note--they did make the waffle iron super messy.
We probably won't make them again, but still good.

Travis likes to crochet during conference, and he made this
awesome blanket for our baby.  
He taught me to crochet as well. I finished two whole washcloths. :)

I also got to spend the afternoon session on Saturday with these
two awesome ladies from my mission. Sister Page
was my last companion and she came to visit from Nebraska. 

(Thanks for the photos Page.) :)

As for school--which is almost done forever--I've had three different shows in the past month.
This was our class exhibit in a yoga studio here in Logan.

Currently I have my own exhibit at Jerrick's Fine Jewelry.
Travis was great to take some time off work and help me hang it up.

And the first was my BFA show on campus. Here's some photos from the
night of our closing reception.

So glad to be done with them.  Plus, two of my frames fell during our
class exhibit and broke.  Not too cool.

Arby's was giving out free fries on tax day. :)
I love free food.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Picnic in the Snow

My professor was pretty adamant that I do a themed wedding for my third
and final portfolio.
Amanda gave me the great idea to do a Doctor Who themed wedding, 
which would have been way fun and awesome, but the more
I thought about it and planned it, the more I decided to try to stick with something
a little less complicated.
So, I chose a picnic wedding.
And of course, the weekend I planned to photograph, it snowed.

But, it's all good really, my professor wants me to break out of some of the norms,
find my own photos voice when it comes to wedding photography, do something different.
What's more ironic than a snowy picnic wedding right?

I spent the day before making little sandwiches, cutting up fruit, making cupcakes
and frosting and figuring out all the details.

 Travis was, as always, a tremendous help.  He carried all the heavy boxes of stuff
I'd brought with us. He arranged the flowers beautifully.
And his fingers were nearly frozen off by the time we were done.

I decided we could be caterers....if we could borrow things from others--none of the stuff you 
see here is mine, it came from very willing, helpful people.

I let the couple leave before I got a shot of their rings, so I used mine and Travis'.

 Aunt Kim is an incredible cake decorator, so we had her help us with the frosting.
These were delicious.

 This couple got married last month.  I knew Brian when I was young,
he lived up the street from me, but I hadn't seen him in over 10 years.
I was very grateful for their willingness, and his wife, Jentry, did 
a most excellent job at not looking cold, although I'm sure she was frozen.

These are a couple of the shots that I set up, going for something a little different than
what you usually see, but still on the fun side of things.

Overall, I think it was successful, even with the weather.
Honestly it was such a relief to have it done.
It was so much work, I probably did more for this event than 
I did for my own wedding...