Ok, let's talk about the rest of our Easter happenings.
We had 3 Easter parties this year. The first one I mentioned in my last post with my parents.
The next one was actually on Easter at Travis' mom's house.

Thankfully the weather was great so we got to spend some time outdoors.
Exploring the world and eating weeds.
Always a good time with these two crazies around.
Then we had our 3rd and final party at Travis' dad's yesterday.
Started out with some great kite flying.
The kids had fun finding all of the Easter eggs.
Sam found a couple with some help from Grandpa.
Too bad we wouldn't take the wrapper off for him... |
You can't really tell that Colton's even in this photo, but he started a dog pile
on the sleeping Mandy.
We had the annual peeps display contest. Thankfully Travis and I were not
the only ones to compete this year.
(Thanks Amanda for being so awesome.)
This was Amanda's, a sweet display of wicked. I think she wins for most creative
and time consuming build.
Lisa made this awesome peep factory--marshmallows go in, peeps go out.
It was super cute.
Travis and I simply win most number of peeps used. We put a heating lamp on this
just like they do when they're raising real chicks. Keepin' it simple. :)
Sam hasn't been much of a trouble maker his whole 10 months alive
(or maybe I've just been awesome at baby proofing?)
but he's now starting to get into more things, including the toilet paper.
I try to remember to keep the bathroom doors shut.
We discovered he loves ramen noodles.
Just swallowed the whole thing, although it took him a while.
We just can't believe how much he's grown and learned.
But mostly, we can't believe how much joy he brings into our lives.
Can't imagine life without him.
And here's a video of Sam playing for you to enjoy.