9 months old! That's a little too close to 1 for me, but can't slow down time I guess. I am loving this stage though. Tyler is so interactive and curious and HAPPY! I can't get enough of his smiles and giggles. He and Sam have been getting along better since Tyler can keep up with him and understand more of what's going on. I don't know that he'll ever stop adoring his older brother.
Sam wanted a couple photos as well. I was happy to oblige.
Sam and his friend down the street had a great time in the mud. This was the day Travis was coming home and I really didn't care anymore, he was having fun.
Halloween was a blast this year. Sam had such a great time trick or treating around the neighborhood. And Tyler made the cutest little ninja turtle.
Still getting projects done around the house (does that ever end?). Finally got the curtains up, huge thanks goes to my mom for making most of them. :) And got some produce bins made! I love having a place for things.
Sam was sick yesterday, the same day we woke up to snow. I had told him last month that when it snowed he could go build a snowman with dad. So all day, in between puking and naps, he would tell us he wanted to build a snowman and go play in the snow. Travis felt bad that he couldn't, so he brought some snow in for him. :) Best dad ever.
And shout out to one of my best friends, Rachel, who brought me a flower and chocolate because I had a sick kid. She's great.
Here's a couple videos that make me laugh. I love watching Sam enjoy the simple things of life, like popcorn popping... :)