Sunday, March 31, 2019

One Year!!

Baby girl is ONE!! I can't believe it's been a year since we had a tiny baby again. Mostly because compared to the boys, she still acts like a baby. :) And I'm ok with that. She has 2 teeth, pulls herself up to her feet occasionally and still just jabbers. She has started walking a little behind her walker. Her hair is growing like a weed and we feel so blessed to have her in our life. She is so happy and chill. She's a MAJOR daddy's girl. She'll even cry if I take her from him. And heaven forbid he put shoes and a jacket on. We love her to pieces and I'm excited to see her explore the world this summer. 

We had a ton of family over to celebrate her birthday. Grateful for all of them.
She loved all of her new gifts, and of course didn't appreciate that we wouldn't let her play with them instantly.

The whole crew helped blow out the one candle.

And she enjoyed her cake immensely.

A decent family photo is getting harder with this group...

Happy Birthday! We love you baby girl. And maybe one day I'll stop calling you baby girl. ;)

Monday, March 25, 2019

Winter to Spring

Apparently I haven't done a general photo-drop blog in a while. Cause I've got lots of photos.
We continued our traditional valentine's dinner at chick fil a. They always decorate the place real nice for us. :)  Tyler loves sitting by baby girl in the shopping cart. She's mostly ok with this.

One on one time with Sam to get some ice cream. Only, Travis challenged the 2 of us to not eat sugary treats from Tyler's birthday to Amelia's birthday, so I just got to watch. 

Sam has grown up so much. He wrote his name on all of his valentine cards for school. He is reading and just amazes me every day with the knowledge he has.

Best Dad Ever.

These 3 light up my world. Amelia loves to do whatever her brothers are doing.

I got a bike seat for the back of my bike and took all 3 kids on a short bike ride to see if I could handle it. It was a workout.

I love their friendship. They imagine together all day long sometimes.
Also, Tyler wore his pajamas to church the other week...

Finally starting to warm up. Then it snowed. Boys had fun trying to shovel. They are little helpers. Always wanting to vacuum and mop. They're gonna be just like their dad. I mean, what other 4 year old begs to vacuum the garage....? Seriously.

These two are finally starting to play together occasionally. When Tyler is patient enough anyway.

My cousin's little girl and Amelia. They're gonna be BFFs one day.

Got the boys new hats. 

Her hair is growing like a weed! It's crazy!

Love her. She's had some crazy hair days. Mohawk is courtesy of dad.

Friday, March 1, 2019

11 months

11 months!! How?! We've been trying to figure out some things to do with her hair so it's not just a cute, fluffy mess all the time. :) She's crawling on all fours a decent amount of the time now. She is OBSESSED with Travis. She pulls herself up to her knees, but not her feet yet. I love listening to her talk and laugh. She's just a happy little girl and we love having her in our life. 

Sam at a year, Tyler & Amelia at 11 months

Love these 3 so so much.