This is a post about gratitude.
There really is so much to be grateful for.
First of all I'm thankful for these two wonderful guys in my life.
I don't know what I would do without them.
They truly bring SO much joy into my life.
I'm thankful for Sam's smiles.
They never cease to brighten my day.
I'm so lucky to be able to stay home everyday with this man.
I'm thankful that Sam sleeps through the night.
We really lucked out with this baby.
Eternally thankful for Family.
Especially my family. They've helped me become the person I am today.
I'm thankful for all the fun times we've had together.
Also thankful for Travis' family. :)
I got to go to the temple last night and it is always so peaceful.
So thankful for God in my life, for my Savior and all that they
do for me. They are always there for me.
My growing photo business and a husband who supports me
in my efforts 110%. I love photography and am so lucky that
I can do that while still being a stay at home mom.
There's so much more that I could say, but this post would go on forever. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Sam wishes he could eat all the delicious thanksgiving food.
He'll eat anything...
Aaaand, one more video because I love Studio C
and I love PB&J's. And I totally know people like this.
And it's just funny.
(Sidenote--Travis often calls Sam Samwise.)
we sure love his faux hawk...or whatever you call it