Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016


Easter weekend was certainly a busy one. We spent Saturday with my family coloring and hunting eggs, playing games and enjoying a small bit of nice weather.

Sam did a great job at dying his dozen eggs. 
He even dyed his hand green. :)

Most of the grandkids and their fake mustaches. 

Sunday after church we headed out to Travis' dad's for an Easter dinner.

Lisa planned some fun activities, including painting with eggs. Which turned out to be quite messy.

I got to spend Easter Sunday with the primary kids at church. I love hearing them sing. 
And for Family Home Evening we watched some videos on the Mormon channel and I loved this one.

I'm so thankful for our Savior, the life He led and for the opportunities He has given to us. Because of Him I know that I can have peace in times of trial. The other day I was up late at night with the baby and just felt so overwhelmed by the responsibility of 2 children (I don't know how people have more) and being sleep deprived and keeping a house somewhat clean among other things; as I sat there thinking about this, rocking my crying child, I began to cry. All of a sudden I had a great sense of peace overcome me as I realized that my Father in Heaven was there comforting me as well, and there is nothing that we are experiencing that our Savior has not overcome and does not understand.

My little boys are growing up so fast!
Sam is even drinking out of real cups and it's mostly adorable.

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