Tyler is 6 months! I love this age. They can sit up, play with toys, sometimes sleep through the night, laugh and interact. Basically, it's great that I don't have to be holding him all the time.
Tyler loves food, he is super loud and his laughs are contagious. Can't believe we're halfway through the first year though.
(Warning: Lots of photos. But I guess that's really nothing new....)
I love these little boys and am excited to see them interact more.
We had a family reunion a couple weeks ago and had a blast. Sam loved playing with his cousins.
They had the kids race and it was cute. Sam even got into it.
Andrew and Shiloh are moving out of state so we did a sibling date night after the reunion .It was so much fun and I couldn't ask for better siblings.
We went to an escape room and barely made it out in time and now we have immortality or something.
My kitchen helpers.
Also, Sam for some reason likes to get a wet washcloth and lay it on the floor and then lay his head on it. He's done this several times. Weirdy.
Tyler's graduated from being in his carrier on all of our outings.
Sam basically never falls asleep unless he's in the car or in his bed, but the other day he was so tired he fell asleep twice on the couch. Unfortunately both times were right before meals.
And last of all, we moved to River Heights. We're so thankful for the family and friends that were willing to help. And we're thankful to be moved in. It has been exhausting though.
And we're glad we still have two little windows at the front of the house on the stairs for the boys to watch out. :)
So super cute! Those boys are just darling! Hope you guys are doing well, and we hope to be able to visit your new home sometime! It looks beautiful!