Monday, December 19, 2016

10 months and almost Christmas

How did 10 months fly by so quickly? This little guy is such a joy. He loves to wave, to walk with his walker and to play with Sam's hair. (Which Sam doesn't always enjoy.) This past week he had his first ear infection with a burst ear drum, but thankfully he's feeling better and his smiles and giggles are back.

When Tyler was a newborn until about the time he was 6 months I often wondered what in the world we were thinking having our kids so close together. But as Tyler gets older and they begin to play together, I'm excited for the days where they will be best buddies. Also, this photo melts my heat just a little bit. :)

We're excited for Christmas here. Curtis and Lisa gave the boys some tractors and Sam was so thrilled to have one that looks just like grandpa's. He's been driving it around the house and it's so cute to hear him talk to grandpa, who apparently is the one driving the tractor. (And likes to take naps while driving....?) Ha ha!

Sam was my little helper delivering treats to the neighbors.

We went to the Christmas village in Ogden with Travis' step brother and his family. Sam had a great time with his cousins and riding the trains was definitely his favorite.

We'd promised Sam another bus ride for quite a while, so he and I finally took one and met Travis and Tyler at the mall on saturday morning. I love the simple things that bring children so much joy.

My handball babysitter is back home for the holidays, so I took the boys with me today. Sam enjoys it, Tyler gets a little tired of it after 30 minutes. Playing handball is such a life saver for me. It's my release and I always find that I'm mentally, emotionally and physically healthier. Thankful for Travis' support in helping me do the things that I enjoy.

Sam enjoys doing this little kid's yoga we found. Well, sometimes he does, mostly he ends up watching it. But I got some of his actions on camera the other night.

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