Vacation was a blast!
We took 2 days to travel down, stopping in St. George where we got to visit with my brother and his family. The boys loved the pool time. And overall, the kids were great in the car. Baby was definitely the best, sleeping the majority of the time, and probably only crying for 30 minutes of the 12+ hour drive. The boys were pretty content with tablets, naps and unlimited snacks.
Traffic was completely horrid on the way down. We would randomly hit traffic in the middle of nowhere, for reasons completely unknown. And we arrived in San Diego in the dead of rush hour, so that was lousy.
I also hit a small garbage can while on the freeway in California, that drug under our van until I pulled over and Travis retrieved it. That led to our first hour of vacation sitting at the Honda dealership making sure nothing was damaged. Thankfully, all was well.
We finally started vacationing at La Jolla Cove where we saw sea lions and the boys had a grand time in the water. Also, as we were leaving this area, stuck in a line of traffic, a construction fence fell on our van. Yeah. I just laughed at that point. We got a solid dent and some scratches.
We had family photos taken that evening at Coronado Beach.
Sea World was our next stop and it was a hit! Sam surprisingly LOVED petting the little sharks. We went back over and over again. Tyler really enjoyed the rides (Sam wouldn't even consider riding any of them.) Sam also really enjoyed the shows (except for getting splashed by the whale) and decided he wants to work with Sea lions, otters and whales when he grows up.
Before hitting up the beach the next day we stopped at the San Diego temple, because it's gorgeous.
Although Sam was disappointed that there was not fountain. I was also surprised by this.
The beach was the best! Sam loved going as deep as we could into the waves. He and Travis got covered by a huge one. Sam got knocked down more than once by them. :) Tyler was mostly content playing in the sand. Baby took lots of naps and didn't love the water.
We spent some time looking for seashells. Note: don't leave uncleaned seashells sitting in your car overnight. It will smell nasty.
Sam could not get enough of the beach.

So thankful these two have each other as friends.
We also went to my friend's wedding reception our last night there, Jordan and Erik. I didn't get any photos, which I'm a little sad about. But the kids were exhausted by then. Well, all of us were really. We made it home in one long day. Overall, a successful trip with some great memories made. :)
Videos from Vacation :)
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