We had a great Independence Day with my family. We always start with breakfast on my dad's side, followed by a water fight, no matter how chilly it might be that morning. This year was on the chillier side, but it was still a great fight.
We spend the evening with my mom's side. BBQ and then to the fireworks. It rained on the end of our BBQ and we almost didn't go to the fireworks due to the weather. Thankfully it cleared up and we made it out there to enjoy the rest of the night. I loved watching the boys watch the fireworks. They were so excited about it all.
What I see and what she sees. :)
Baby mostly enjoyed the fireworks as well.
Last weekend we went up to Tony Grove on our way to find a good picture taking spot at bear lake. I'd never been to Tony Grove and it is gorgeous! I had fun getting some cute photos of the kids of course.
We had a picnic at bear lake and enjoyed some time at a little beach that, due to the waves, sounded like the ocean. Sam is just in love with the water and was in up to his knees before long. Tyler loves throwing rocks in the water. Baby was content just holding some rocks.
The boys finished up swim lessons for the summer. Tyler cried for the first several times, but did good for the most part. Every day he said "I don't want to jump in." So I told him he didn't have to and he did everything else. Sam did great this year and seemed to really enjoy it. Baby and I got to hang out, but she mostly just got bored unless she was eating something.
We also did a few weeks of T-ball. Sam got pretty good at hitting the ball, and we ended up having Tyler hit it left handed, cause he did better. Watching these kids in the field was usually just hilarious.
Summer at our house looks something like this on a regular basis. I love where we live and all the neighbor kids. My boys are blessed to have such awesome friends already.
They are so good to play with her.
Bus ride to summerfest to have a picnic with Travis.
Travis & I try to get in date nights when we can too. Keeps us sane and gives us a chance to have an uninterrupted conversation. :)
Donut bike rides, aggie ice cream, farmers markets, picnics, splash pads and parks.
We Love Summer.
One of my favorite things that she does to me right now.
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