Friday, June 29, 2018

3 months

Baby girl is 3 months today! This past month went by so fast. She's grown so much.
She's a champ at tummy time now and rolls from stomach to back.
She's the happiest, most smiley baby in the morning when you get her out of her crib.
She slept through the night once. Hoping she will make that a habit.
She talks and occasionally laughs. But she seems to be following in Tyler's
footsteps as a silent laugher. Sam was much easier.
She's growing up too fast, and I'm just trying to soak it all in before it's gone!

Seriously, she's like a giant now...

We've stayed busy, ice cream, parks, splash pads, dinner at the mall, lots of naps... girl and I have spent some hours in the hospital while daddy has surgery and stuff...

We've also had some fun with grandparents, who we love.
And this guy is such a great big brother. Love when he chooses to be a helper. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day and fun in the sun

We celebrated Grandpa Julander's 80th birthday.
He and Sam share a birthday, so we had to get a photo. :)

Father's day was great. We really love and appreciate this guy.

We see so much of Sam in Amelia. I decided to copy Sam's hair-do photo.
She mostly just has more cheeks than Sam did.

Had some fun at summerfest. 

Travis had an endoscopy. We finished swimming lessons. We've gone to the splashpad, played outside in our sandbox and water toys, just soaking up the summer days while they're here.
These kids are busy and keep us on our toes, but I love them more than anything.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sam turns 4

Sam is 4!
We love this little guy so so much and I can't believe it's been 4 years.
He's so inquisitive. He has an amazing memory. He throws tantrums like
only a 3 year old can. He loves to play with his little brother and his friends.
So grateful for him in our life and for the things he teaches us daily (namely patience, or how much I need to work on that virtue. :) Happy Birthday Sam!

My parents came up to celebrate and gave Sam a huge dump truck for the sandbox.
He loves it.

We got him a table and How to Train Your Dragon.
Tyler loves them so much.

We celebrated a day early at the park with friends, cake and ice cream.

So thankful for the great neighbors and friends we have in this area.

Sam designed his own cake. And he thinks is super pretty.
He also decided it reminds him of Moana.

Ended the day with a birthday dinner at Chick-fil-a of course.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Summer has begun

Summer is here! Sam "graduated" from preschool, and will be going to the same place for another year. So, he didn't really graduate, but whatever. It was cute to watch them sing some songs and count and stuff. He had a great time there.

We went and got free pancakes at first dam.

FHE walk on campus to get aggie ice cream. 
Travis is a push-over and let Tyler eat his aggie blue mint (Tyler loves blue)
while he got stuck with the orange sorbet stuff.

Mornings at our house...

Sam started swimming lessons this week. Everyday he says he doesn't want to go.
But then he comes out all smiles and excited to tell me what he did.
Tyler wishes he was old enough for swimming lessons.

And Amelia just sleeps our lounges. She's such a good baby.
And this swim suit is completely impractical, but we didn't buy it.
And it's cute, so why not?

Snuggles with my little man. I can't believe he's going to be 4.
We have our struggles daily, but he really is amazing and I love him to pieces.

We love this one to pieces too. She is so happy.

And the doctor said she should be doing about an hour of tummy time a day.
And that she should start rolling over in the next 2 months.
Ha! We do not get that much tummy time in, maybe 10 minutes a day...she might be a late roller.

Watching the greatest showman under his blanket.

I have a family session up at Spring Hollow this weekend and had never been, so we decided to take a family outing to check it out. Sam LOVED it. He kept saying that we should come back and hike at spring hollow all the time. 

And it's strawberry picking season here. :)