Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sam & Noah meet again

Sam is always so happy in the morning after a long night of sleep!

I went up to campus the other day and found that they had finally finished
the courtyard area outside the art building that they'd worked on all year.
It's definitely different...quite modern and, in my opinion, doesn't match the rest of the building.

I took Sam up to handball the other day in the papoose.
On the way back it rained and he wasn't dressed terribly warm,
so I just put my jacket over him. :) He slept through it all.

And we saw this strange car next to my old apartment.

My friend Lindy and I went down to Salt Lake to visit Jennika yesterday!
Sam and Noah had met once before--they're both getting so big so fast!
Noah wanted to roll to his side like Sam--almost made it. :)

Noah's still working on that neck strength. 
Sam was showing him how to do it. As well as how to drool... 


Sam also has a much higher pitched voice than his friend Noah.

Had so much fun!
(Should've got a photo with Lindy in there too. My bad Lindy.)

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Doctor is Back

Doctor Who is back with Season 8 and a new face.
Andrew and Shiloh came up on Sunday to watch the new episode with us.

Samuel dressed up for it! 
"Bowties are cool."
Thanks to Amanda Snow for the awesome onesie. :)

 I made jammie dodgers. The were delicious.
Andrew and Shiloh brought cheese fondue for dinner.  That has nothing to do 
with Doctor Who but it was still delicious.

 Besides that we're just enjoying this little guy.
He's growing up so fast.
He loves taking walks in the papoose so he can look around at everything.
He's also slept about 10 hours for the last 5 nights...we are so lucky.
It's been nice to get a full night of uninterrupted rest.

 We went down to Tremonton with Travis' family to the box elder fair and several
of us wore our farm hoodies--Sam is still a little small for his though...

Looks so so tiny in the high chair

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

School's out forever

School starts in less than a week. And I don't have to go back!
It's really a great feeling. No more homework, no more walking up to campus
in the freezing cold weather, no more monitoring the photo lab...I'm psyched to be done.

That does leave me with a bit of free time however.
So Sam and I had a mini photo shoot of our own the other day. :)

Man he is cute.
And he's been sleeping in lately which I love.

The high chair is much too big for him, but we tried it anyway.
He wasn't terribly thrilled about it.
He did enjoy a visit to my parent's.

 I also got to photograph my Sister-in-law's family last week!
I was so stoked--I feel like it's been ages since I had photos to edit.
And I'm already done, but it was fun while it lasted.
Here's a few of my favorites.

 And here's some more cuteness.  He loves doing superman arms, chewing
on his hands, and he finally found his thumb--which we're 
totally fine with for now, cause he can put himself to sleep
with it and it doesn't fall out like the pacifier.

Sam & George. The day of his shots.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

2 months already

Time flies when you're having fun!

2 months and smiling is the newest thing. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Happenings of July

We had a fun 24th of July.  Went to a parade and the fireworks.

Travis and I went on a date without baby Sam the other week.
We went to a play called "Tons of Money" and it was hilarious.

Travis installed this nice corner counter in our house.  Now our garbages are hidden!

And here's some more baby photos.

He's definitely not big enough for the bumbo.  It makes him look so tiny. :)

I swear they don't make sun hats for infants, so we got him this huge thing for the trip to Bryce.

 Love my two boys.

In front of our motel in Bryce before we headed out.
Baby's first vacation!

Look how strong this boy is!

 Grandma Stradley found a trick that got him laughing every time...
He's smiling and giggling more every day and we're loving it. :)