Saturday, September 29, 2018

6 Months

6 months baby girl.
Amelia sits up unsupported pretty well now. She loves food. She is nearly sleeping through the night. (Thank goodness, that was a rough 5 1/2 months.) She continues to melt our hearts
with her continuous smiles and sometimes graces us with laughter. She occasionally 
babbles and likes to say "dada" of course. I could listen to her talk all day. She even thinks it 
will keep her up at 4:30 in the morning  after she's eaten. Whiles it's adorable, I value sleep
more than I value hearing what she has to say at this point in her life.
We love this girl more each day. Happy half birthday little one. :)

How do they change so quickly?!

All 3, roughly 6 months old.

Favorite photo of the day featured below on the right.

And just to prove she's not completely happy 100% of the time...

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Blanket Forts

These boys love their little sister. And few people make her laugh as much as they do.
I love listening to them play with her. 

Thankfully Baby girl is currently sleeping better than she had been, cause I was just tired all the time and this little guy doesn't let me take naps. :)

Wagon rides are our favorite. I love that she can sit up in the wagon now.

We got trees for our front yard, have been on a couple donut walks and I took the kids to get free pizza from the new pizza joint in Logan, hungry howies, I think it's called. We got some huge cups that cover Tyler's whole face.

Sitting like a pro. Until she falls.

I made the boys an awesome fort the other day, just for fun.
Now Tyler asks me to move the couches almost daily so they can have a cool cave.
I love watching them use their imaginations together.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Peach Days and Zucchini Cake

Tyler has decided that he likes to use the toilet. Travis bought him some PJ Mask toys to "reward" him. He did it all by himself the first time, I was basically shocked.

This girl continues to make us smile with her smiles. She's loving eating baby food.

Sam came with us to Ikea and found a chair just his size. 
If we were rich, we probably would have bought it.

Tyler and baby get to come run errands with me while Sam goes to preschool.
Tyler gets pretty tired. That might be because he doesn't like to go to bed until we do lately...

Last minute we decided to head out to the peach days parade. Boys loved every minute.
I always forget how this is the longest parade on earth. But we were blessed with
nice, cloudy, cooler weather.

Baby girl woke up with finger marks on her face, ha ha!

Still experimenting with our zucchini.
This week was zucchini chocolate cake.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Bear Lake 2018

My parents came up to Logan for a few days to spend time with us.
We all had a blast! The boys were ecstatic to go swimming at their hotel twice.
It was even warm enough that baby girl enjoyed it. They took Sam on a 
hike in Logan canyon and he made it the whole way thankfully.

We decided to spend half a day at Bear Lake since we hadn't gone this year.
It wasn't quite as good as the beach, but definitely a good time.
(Even though it was only 58 degrees when we got there.)


Sam has been working on writing his name (for about a day) and we practiced
for a minute in the sand. I still can't decide if he's right or left handed completely...

Grandparents are the best.
Especially when they help you build and awesome sandcastle to knock down.

The boys were a little obsessed with jumping photos since Sam did that a lot
at the beach. Tyler cracks me up with his little jumps.

Had to stop for lunch and a shake of course!

Also, have to give Travis credit for these next photos at the lake.
He sees through the lens differently than I do and it's fun to see.

In other news, I took the boys on a donut walk the other morning.
My arm was killing me by the time we made it home from dragging the wagon.
Thankfully Sam walked the whole way home.

I had a mini heart attack when I walked in and saw baby laying on her face like this the other day.
She was fine.

Huge zucchini...
And I volunteered to man the handball booth at Day on the Quad up at USU
this past week...with 3 kids...mostly by myself. It was an adventure.
So fun talking to students about something I love. Tyler was really tired and nearly
took a nap.