Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bear Lake

We're mostly all settled into the new house and loving it. 
Sam has been interacting more with Tyler now which is fun to watch, until he steps on his face in church, but you've gotta take the bad with the good, right?

We now have two windows at the front of the house, which means we can't have anymore kids, or there'll be too much fighting over who gets to watch out which window.

We were hoping the bubble wrap might keep Sam occupied a big longer than it did...

Tyler has figured out how to roll all over the place and is so close to crawling.

We like the carts at the providence Macey's, but we're still partial to the Logan Macey's. Maybe I'll petition for a few of these over there...

We went on our annual bear lake trip with our great friends, the Meachams.
Sam loved every minute (especially since we don't play outside as much as we used to since our yard is just dirt...) and it's just fun to see him explore. It was nice to have the Meacham kids there
so he had some people his age to play with.

Tyler enjoyed it too, but we didn't dare put him down since he's mobile and eats everything.
I think he'll have more fun next year.

Can't believe summer is already over, but I am excited for the cooler weather and fall festivities.

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