Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sam, Friends & the last of Fall

Sam got to play with his girlfriend the other week.
Janalynn. She's a cutie.  Really not his girlfriend
but she's basically the only girl baby his age we know.

Rachel came to visit again.
She loves babies.

And Sam and I drove down to Salt Lake to see Baby Noah
and Jennika again and Beth came up from Springville!
So fun.

They loved holding hands.

Sam loves to eat people's hands...

We had Sam's 4 month appointment last week.
He's doing awesome. Hated his shots
but got over it real quick.

He's getting better at eating from a spoon.

He's also becoming much more mobile...he started out on that play mat.

Sometimes Travis and I aren't that observant, especially when the baby
is playing so quietly by himself...and we miss the fact that
he's rubbing his face in his own spit up. He didn't seem to mind though.

It was time for our painting of the year so we did something
a little craftier that Sam could help us with.

 We went down to Salt Lake on Saturday to cheer Mandy in
on her half marathon. She had a great race.

We went on some more walks to enjoy the fall leaves.
Colton and Tamara came with us down the Logan River trail.

Sam and I went on another walk the other morning--just the usual, down
the street to the park and back.  We stopped at this bench like we always do.  

This bench.
2 years ago this month Travis proposed to me here.
Best decision I ever made saying yes to that man. 

So grateful that I can stay home with this little guy. :)
Couldn't be more blessed.

Peek-A-Boo with Dad

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