Sunday, January 29, 2017

Happy 28 to me

We've been cooped up a bit with all of this snow, but we're trying to make the best of it. We've gone on a few wagon rides on the road since half the sidewalks are still not walk-able. Tyler really enjoys them. Probably especially since we give him a warm rice bag to sit with so he doesn't freeze.

Tyler enjoyed his free cookie at the grocery store last week.

Jennika and I took Rachel out to dinner for her birthday, like 2 weeks late. I love these ladies and so glad our paths crossed in college and that they still live in Logan, unlike everyone else who left us.

Travis is the greatest man on earth and surprised me with balloons and a chocolate waffle cake with cream cheese/whipped cream frosting. He definitely knows me well.

Thankfully I decided to make a cake the next day, so I wasn't totally 
overly loaded with sugar on one day.

My parents came up this last weekend to take us out to dinner for my birthday. My dad told them we were celebrating and they came and sang happy birthday while I wore this ridiculous hat. Thankfully they came with dessert as well.

A photographer in one of the photo groups I'm in on FB was asking for volunteers to use for practice indoor sessions. So I offered since our home has great natural light. She came and took a bunch of photos. It was fun to connect with another photographer in the valley and get in front of the camera with my boys for a minute. Here's a few of my favorites that she got. 
Credit goes to Mandi Christensen

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