Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Bryce Canyon--Picture Overload

We went on a family vacation with the Stradley family last week.
Our destination?  Bryce Canyon.

The first day there we went straight to the park and headed for some of the viewpoints.

It was so gorgeous!

One of the highlights was a hole in the ground that Dallas found.
There was nothing in there...

All the girl cousins

This little guy knows how to get into people's stuff. :)

On day two we went on a 3 mile hike.

This was my favorite part of the hike--it's called "Wall Street"

The whole clan

This little man slept most of the hike...most of the vacation actually.  

Matthew's just one of the kids

The cousins loved spending so much time together
By the end of the hike a lot of little people were being carried.

But they were all champs til the end.

This man is my hero and pushed the stroller the whole way.
I tried pushing it up a small hill later that same day and about died.

We spent a good chunk of day three at a reservoir.
It was really cold, I didn't ever get in.

But these two did.  

Thanks to Aunt Kim for letting us borrow her toys!

The kids loved playing in the water and sand.

Overall a really great trip. Loved spending time with the family,
couldn't ask for a better one! 
Thanks mom and dad for making it possible! :)


  1. I think Matthew is a 'kid magnet'.

    1. I was just looking at this to find some pictures of us in Southern Utah for a project I'm doing teaching an English class in Taiwan, and realized how much I love those kids. Ahh, I miss them. :)

  2. Looks like the whole trip was a lot of fun!
