Monday, May 6, 2013

One day I hope to be like them...

I went to my cousin's graduation ceremony yesterday.
His name is Ryan. We're the same age and we grew
up about a mile away from each other.
We're basically best friends.
So proud of him.

I also went to my other best friend's graduation, Amanda Snow.
She and I were roommates last year.
She is super super awesome.
And she's going to grad school in WASHINGTON this fall.
Pretty excited for her.

I will be like them one day, all graduated. Only when I do,
I will be done with school I think.
No masters for me.
Happy Graduation!

1 comment:

  1. Stacey you are so sweet! I love this and I love you! :) You are the greatest! Also... this day is not too terribly far for you and if I am terribly lucky I will be able to come. ;) But if not, I totally expect lots of pictures. Love you long time, Stace Face.
