Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bear Lake

While Travis was out of town, we had a going away party thing for 
Amanda at Bear Lake with a bunch of friends.
It was a blast, and although the weatherman was warning us that it would
be cloudy and rainy, it turned out to be the perfect day at the lake.
(At least on the Idaho side.)
The water was perfect, not even cold at this time of the year.

Here's some photos from the day.

People enjoyed Bacci (sp?) balls.

The sand castle was pretty epic.

Jamie and I buried my cousin Ryan.

We didn't make it all the way.

And we just had a great time with awesome people.

I feel like this could be on the front of a
card or something...


  1. Dear Stacey.
    This is brilliant. As are you, my friend.
    :) Love your guts!
